handwriting Software, Learning Software

Digital tool vs Contemporary ways: which is best to teach handwriting?

In the recent times there has been a lot of noise being heard on whether digital learning especially in practicing handwriting is really helpful for children and whether they should be chosen over contemporary teaching techniques! For example, when it comes to teaching handwriting to kids there has been a growing demand for digital handwriting tools. Parents and tutors want to use the best handwriting practice sheet.While a lot has been said, a lot has been researched; we would like to focus on how digital learning is helpful for kids and what are the benefits. Rest is for you to decide!

  • 3What are the digital tools?

The digital tools are all those technology aided devices and equipment that help in the process of learning. They are electronically operated and hence perform automatic tasks as per they programming inbuilt in them. From a smart whiteboard, to a projector in a classroom, to a laptop or desktop, all a digital tools that help and enhance the process of learning.

  • Digital handwriting tool

A digital handwriting tool is one that is an application that can be easily installed in a computer, laptop or desktop and has multiple features enabling children to learn to write the letters and numerals. Take a look at the most amazing digital handwriting practice sheet by Startwriteindia and find out the varied features it provides!

  • Are digital tools unique?

7Digital tools are definitely unique in the ways they help a child learn. Especially when it comes to handwriting practice, just think of a handwriting workbook you last bought for your kid from a nearby bookshop! Is it just a book full of few letters and just dotted lines? Is it fun to be worked up on repeatedly? View the list of various features it has. The answer would be very evident to you! The various features in the tool helps you create unique and special handwriting practice sheets that can look after the individual learning needs of a child. For example, your child may find it difficult to write the small letters correctly or he may have difficulty using the right spaces within letters. With the help of the handwriting for kids worksheets you can design worksheets in the digital tool taking care of all these aspects separately. All this can be done by you and then you can hand over the printed worksheet to the child to follow. Moreover, there is no trouble for your kid too as he just have to write the letters. Apart from this, if you have to teach a new font or writing style you don’t have to go searching for a complete new workbook in n a bookshop (that you usually do!). Just give the Cursive handwriting practice sheet and introduce new cursive fonts to your child.

Handwriting making tool

  • Digital handwriting sheets are joyful

Digital handwriting worksheets give you a variety of design options starting from choosing the margin in the page to the inclusion of pictures. Color-coded texts are fun to work with. This works as a great motivator that stimulates your child’s learning capacitors. They can be created innumerable times but each time differently! So are you not giving your child a new way to learn each day? With gradual learning, exercises on how to improve handwriting will no longer be painful for children and they can develop in a better way equipped with new tools.

handwriting Software, Learning Software

Digital writing tool is the best to help your child learn to write

handwriting for kidsIf you are a parent whose little child has just learnt to write you must have visited a book shop nearby? Has the bookshop owner been able to you which are the best handwriting workbook for your child? Was that book really helpful? You must have really been through a lot of trouble trying to choose the best writing practice workbook for you kid. But don’t worry as we at Startwrite constantly work towards helping your child learn to write in a totally comfortable manner. We bring to you the best Handwriting worksheets for your child which are smart, easy and very interesting. They are made aiming at doing away with all the pain and trouble your child has to go through while learning to write the first alphabet with features that are specially designed, customized and easily practice able.

Choosing the right

It is always difficult to find out what is right and most effective for your child’s learning because you always want the best for him. But have you ever thought the best for them lies in loving and enjoying whatever they do. Always remember that you can never a force a child to do anything he does not want to do. Especially when it comes to practice handwriting he will never learn anything from it. To make his learning fruitful you must transform it to something which he would love doing and find interesting. With the right Handwriting practice sheet you can generate this love in your child’s mind. The worksheets are designed keeping in mind hispsychology of the child and hence it will surely give good results.

Learning can be fun

Young boy doing his homework in a home environmentWhen it comes to handwriting practice it requires children sit for long hours and practice repeatedly. This is why kids often fail to enjoy this act of repeatedly tracing the ‘black & white’ letters and run away from it. With the unique and customized features of the worksheets of Handwriting for kids parents can create unique writing sheets that are colorful, fun and interesting. You can create worksheets as per the need of your child, include alphabets or numerals, paste pictures, and tell a story with figures and many more. Imagine the blank worksheets in the Startwrite tool as your canvas and create an interesting worksheet that not only helps your child to practice how to write but also enjoy a story. Just imagine how much your child will enjoy when he sees a worksheet that has five birds and he practices writing ‘5’!With the different types font you can teach him the ‘capital and small letters, numerals, cursive fonts etc.

Get the basic right

Remember that most children loose early interest in learning because they find it difficult to even hold a pencil. Therefore, always teach him how to hold the pencil correctly to get the grip and hold right. Initially work on it by making him write with fingers by spreading sand or foam on the floor. Then give him chalk or to write in an erasable board or slates. This will make him learn to balance his fingers. Gradually introduce to him to write with pencil by creating handwriting practice worksheets with big spaces and grids. Allow him to follow the dots, the guiding strokes and the decision lines to help him write. These exercises to improve handwriting will help him greatly to learn to write in a neat and disciplined manner.

Introduce variety step by step

As a parent nobody needs to tell you that your child’s mind is growing each day and he learns from every new thing around him. His mind his full of inquisitiveness and imaginations. Therefore, before introducing anything new to him plan it. Do not bombard him with the practice to learn to write everything all at on time. Design worksheets in a planned manner in the Startwrite application and introduce the capital letters first, then the single numerals, then the small letters and so on. Slowly introduce the cursive letters. Never be in haste as it will ultimately make him lose interest. Design custom-made cursive writing worksheets or math font worksheets and give your child a variety to learn new each day. This will energize your child’s writing practice and he will enjoy doing it. Be assured that with Startwrite’s best Handwriting practice sheet learning is going to be a celebration!

handwriting Software

Should Handwriting Be Taught in Alphabetical Order?

Alphabet-worksheetAs soon as kids recognize the alphabets, parents want to teach them how to write the alphabets o that their handwriting improves from an early age. Now, there’s a question that many parents come up with and the question is if handwriting should be taught in an alphabetical order. While the beginners start to practice handwriting, learning to write in an alphabetical order may not be the best option for them. There are some websites that offer children’s writing paper which help the parents to teach the letters depending on their cases, their curved lines etc.

Though many people think that it’s easy to teach children handwriting in an alphabetical order as they learn to read the alphabets in an orderly fashion. It might be true to some extent. Most of the learning games, books, jigsaw puzzles, posters even the famous alphabet song teaches the alphabets in alphabetical order. However, some educationists believe that the effect of teaching handwriting to a kid can be increased if the teaching method can be changed. They suggest that teaching the children through free handwriting practice worksheets that are available online. The worksheets teach the similar letters separately so that it becomes easier for the children to identify the letters while writing them in words and later in sentences. Letters like ‘b’ and‘d’ that look similar, letters that sound similar like ‘a’ and ’u’, letters with similar sounds like ‘f’ and ‘v’ etc. are the focus of the worksheets.

Many parents feel that teaching uppercase to the children is easier and necessary before going to the lower case. The easiest letters like ‘E’, ‘H’, ‘T’, ‘X’ etc. should be put at the start while the kids learn how to write. Next the comparatively hard letters like ‘Z’, ’D’, ’S’ etc. can be taught. As the children get used to writing the uppercase letters, the lower case can be introduced to them. The same method should be followed while teaching lower case of the alphabets as well. In this case, letters like ‘l’, ‘v’, ‘y’ etc. should be first in the list of alphabets and should be followed by the hard letters like ‘e’, ’a’, ’g’ etc.

After the kids are accustomed to the letters, parents can now introduce cursive writing to them. The worksheets that offer cursive handwriting practice for kids are designed in such a way that the letters are easy to learn. Kids have to draw over the letters before they could learn how to write those by themselves. The cursive writing may require a bit more time than the normal writing as many of the letters may seem similar to look at such as ‘𝓵’and‘𝓮’. The loops need to be practiced more actively not only to memorize the letters but also to improve the handwriting,

To conclude the discussion, it can be said that children learn to write the letters with vertical and horizontal lines at first. Gradually they progress to writing curved lines and ultimately diagonal lines. Therefore, the handwriting practice sheets should be designed in a way that it fulfills the requirement of the kids so that they can learn well and fast.

After a long time analysis of handwriting, we have concluded to this point. If you have any queries or any sorts of ideas you want to share with us, then please feel free to tell us trough the comment option. We are waiting for your feedback. Thank you.

handwriting Software, Learning Software

Modern Way of Teaching Play-School Kids

cursive handwritingTeaching is one of the most respected occupations because teachers face many challenging situations, especially while teaching pre-schoolers. Kids learn better with practical experiences rather than by listening or reading. However, teachers face the biggest challenge in seizing the attention of the students to put ideas into their heads so that they can nurture the idea even after they leave the classroom. Some teachers follow certain methods that have proven to be effective in teaching play-school kids.

Audio-visual teaching aids:

The inclusion of audio-visual teaching aids makes the lessons much more interesting for the students and the teachers. Instead of using books, teachers can use recordings, small movies, PowerPoint projects, pictures, models and many other tools that will engage the minds of the young learners. Students won’t only concentrate on the topic, but their listening and comprehensive skill will also improve. Before handing over handwriting worksheets to your students, you can show them some examples of good handwriting in an image form. The more the children practice their handwriting the more they improve handwriting.

Real-world examples:

Make sure to use examples from the realworld to engage your students. Using real-world instances will make your classroom a better place for learning and you’ll notice the evident development in your students. You can take your play-school kids to the garden while teaching them about trees and its parts. You can take them out for a walk and make them notice houses, roads, plants, cars etc. to give them a clear idea about each object. Besides, the pre-schoolers will feel more energized and fresh which in turn will help them in learning more effectively.


As we all know, brainstorming isn’t only effective in honing the creative skill, but it’s also a great way of learning even for elders. Thus, you must devote some of your time after the classes to incorporate brainstorming sessions. Include the sessions twice or thrice a week and involve all the kids. Many teachers, as well as parents, want to know how to improve handwriting of their children. Well, you can include some written task in your brainstorming sessions and encourage them to complete the task with good handwriting.

Role playing:

Role playing is one of the best-proven methods that boost the kids to develop their social skills and leave their comfort zone. This method is especially helpful for the teachers who teach pre-schoolers as you can teach them how the lessons are connected with their everyday tasks.

Include puzzles:

Kids love to play games and solve puzzles. Play-school children will get attracted towards their lessons when they see that those are nothing but games and puzzles. Some of the puzzles and games can be designed in a way that focuses on handwriting for kids.

Apart from the methods mentioned above, you can also include teaching through the storyboard, come up with new hobbies and teach how to cultivate them etc. Your creativity is your limit when it comes to teaching efficiently. Make your classroom creative, fun and interesting so that you can engage the young minds and they feel connected and relaxed in the class.