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Let your child read out loud while practicing handwriting too!


Wh1508233497ile teaching your young one to read and write, you need to be really very careful in helping them to improve their handwriting styles. You must be aware of the fact that a child needs to learn how to read, write, listen, speak and count well too, in order to develop holistically.  By emphasizing on the habit to read out while writing the alphabets, you can make him learn in a more proper manner.

  • Why is reading important?

Reading is very important to identify which letter or alphabet stands for which particular sound. It is only when the alphabets representing the specific sounds are put together, that they meaningfully give rise to words using which we form sentences with which we express meaningfully. So, it can be seen that letters are the basics on which the very foundation of language learning rests.

Therefore, it becomes very necessary that a child learns to develop and acquire not just to learn to write but also to learn to speak well. This is only possible when he reads out loud while writing the letters.

With carefully crafted handwriting worksheets, you can emphasize the need to make the child repeatedly write the alphabets, learn to form them correctly and constantly practice doing it. With repeated practices, they will learn to form the letters correctly and properly. So, when they will also keep reading and pronouncing the letters each time they sit down to write, it will really help them to acquire language well.

  • Rhymes are a great way to develop verbal expression

Speech or verbal expression plays a very important role in making a child able to express his thoughts. In order to help him express well, nursery rhymes for kids can prove to be really very beneficial.

Rhymes are really very fun and interesting ways to teach children because most of them seem to attract the minds of children by means of stories. Rhymes are also a great means to teach good manners, virtues and impart good messages to kids so that they grow up to be responsible and well-behaved individuals.

Rhymes have a distinct tone and rhythm and therefore, seem very attractive to kids. You can sing aloud the rhymes to them and also make them sing along with you.

Interestingly you will also realize that your child has memorized all the rhymes and is able to sing them well. This will also help them to improve the ability to speak and thus you will be able to make them read words and identify meanings.

Rhymes in combination with handwriting is a great way to make a child develop his reading and writing faculties altogether. You can also plan the handwriting lesson plans in such a way that he can associate a rhyme for a particular alphabet and learn how to write good handwriting by practicing the words for that particular letter like Jfor ‘Jack and Jill went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.

Startwrite mobile app

Thus, by introducing new elements in handwriting lessons and emphasizing on the need to read and write well at the same time, a child can grow and develop well.

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A whole new learning solution for your child!

Kid's Writing Tool

Your young child who has just started his or her learning is unaware of the various aspects of it. Handwriting learning is one of the most important aspects of language development and apart from this, a child also needs to learn various other lessons like leaning to speak and pronounce well, recognize shapes, know the names of different things they see around them, drawing and other things.

Therefore, your child needs a complete learning solution which will take care of all their learning needs. A complete package of unique handwriting worksheets with several learning aids will serve the purpose.

Recognizing shapes and objects

In order to make a child learn the different objects around him, it becomes very necessary to make him learn to identify them. For example, by looking at a ball a child must be able to tell that it is a circle or recognize a rose as a flower or an apple as a fruit.

Recognizing Shapes

Such learning will help him as he grows up and he will be able to able to identify the objects around him. Once he learns to identify them you can also make him learn to spell them or teach them which alphabet stands for it.

Then you can make them practice writing the alphabets. This step wise learning will help them recognize the alphabets as well along with the objects of various shapes. And learning how to write neatly will become very easy for your child!

Learning to count

Numbers or countable quantities are a very important aspect for a child to learn. Right from the time a child begins his learning he or she must be taught to count and understand quantity as well.Numbers counting for kids

With square grid based worksheets a child can easily learn to form the numbers and write them in the grids. You can also think of making their learning more interesting by making them count.

Take a variety of objects and place two of the similar objects in front of them. Make them count and then write the number they found in the grids. In this manner you can make your child learn in a very fun manner.

A smart mobile app to teach handwriting

Startwrite mobile app.jpgWith a smart android mobile app to teach handwriting, it becomes very easy to not just get ready-made writing worksheets but also to make your child practice writing the alphabets by touching the smart-screens of android devices as well.

As parents, you can be thinking if writing on a smart screen will be of help at all? Well, the answer this is yes! Of course it will help your child because with bare fingers he or she can learn how to balance their finger and form the letter in the specific boundary of the letter outline.

This will also function as a pre-writing activity that will help a child to improve his or her handwriting skills too as it will help in formation of proper grip and hold. In teaching cursive writing or even in the print fonts for kids this is of great help as it will help make them write properly and neatly.

Making your child’s handwriting lessons really very comfortable and enjoyable will help them to learn and acquire all the necessary skills well. Therefore, get a complete learning solution for your child that will help him grow and develop in a holistic manner and that too with great fun and excitement!

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Teaching cursive handwriting in a fun manner to your child

Teaching your child the different aspects of handwriting is a very complex process. As parents and tutors, you need to constantly brainstorm ideas so that you can make their handwriting lessons interesting and attractive.

Cursives letters form a very integral part of handwriting and they are indeed a little more complicated in terms of formation for kids, compared to the normal print fonts.


Here are a few ways by which you can make learning to write the cursives easier for kids.

Start teaching the curves and lines first

Before your child becomes accustomed with the complete cursive letters, it becomes very necessary to make his hand movements free and flexible while forming the cursives. Therefore, design some prewriting exercises to form the lines and curves.

This will make him familiar with the cursive letters formations and when he will start forming the full cursive letters, it will become very easy for him.

Hence, to teach cursive handwriting, design some customized and fully personalized practice sheets for kids which has several types of lines and curves. You can also use colors to color code the different types of curves and then allow dotted lines of the similar formations below them.

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Allow your child to follow the dotted lines and form the curves. This will make him learn the basic elements in the form of ‘curves’ for cursive letters. Also remember that there are different types of curves, slants, twirls, curls etc. All these also need to be practiced and by color coding them, you can make your child learn them in a really fun manner.

Teach with the simple letters first

It needs to be remembered that the cursive letters are different from the normal print fonts not just in the formations but also in the way they look. Moreover, to ensure that your child does not get confused with the normal fonts and the cursives, prepare a sheet with the normal print fonts on one side and the cursives on the other side. You can then show them how the 26 different alphabets look like in both the different styles.

Now, proceed to teach them the cursive letters one by one. It becomes very necessary to teach them the simplest letters first and then the complicated ones so that learning becomes easy. For example, in the print fonts ‘I’ is the easiest letter to form but, in cursives it is not. ‘I’ is written as I .  Therefore, find out which letter is the easiest for your child to form and help him learn how to write them and improve his handwriting skills.

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Identifying the cursives

Another very fun way to teach your child the cursives is to make them identify what a cursive letter looks like. Once you have shown your child the difference between the normal print fonts and the cursives play a game. Draw the different alphabets both normal print font and cursives in different square blocks of paper and mix them.

Now make your child pick up a letter and let him identify it. You can also use unique and customizable handwriting learning practice sheets to do so. Once he identifies it make him write it on a slate with a piece of colored chalk. Writing on a rough surface like a slate will make him not just write the letters but also train him giving sensory training as he will be able to feel the formation while writing on a rough surface.

Thus, you will not only be able to teach them the different type of cursive letters but will also be able to make it interesting and fun for them!

cursive handwriting, Handwriting for kids, Handwriting practice sheet, Improve handwriting

Development of Motor Skills is Very Essential for Handwriting Learning


Handwriting learning of a child is a very complex phenomenon and it involves the development of a lot of faculties for kids. But most importantly, it is also very important to develop the motor skills of a child because, without proper motor skills the child will not be able to develop his correct grip or pencil hold which is vital to handwriting development.

With the uniquely crafted handwriting practice sheet for kids it becomes very easy to teach a child how to develop his motor skills and develop his handwriting skills.

Continue reading “Development of Motor Skills is Very Essential for Handwriting Learning”

Handwriting for kids, Handwriting practice sheet, Handwriting worksheets, Improve handwriting

Helping a Child Suffering from Dysgraphia to Learn to Write


Dysgraphia’ refers to the difficulty in a child in which he struggles to maintain appropriate and same spacing, correct spellings and struggle in composing to write by thinking at the same time while writing.

Such difficulty makes a child develop a very untidy and illegible handwriting which is not at all pleasing to look at and also does not have proper visibility. In order to help a child suffering from it, make the best use of handwriting practice sheets which is full of diverse features to guide a child to write, this problem could be taken care of to a great extent.

Continue reading “Helping a Child Suffering from Dysgraphia to Learn to Write”