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A whole new learning solution for your child!

Kid's Writing Tool

Your young child who has just started his or her learning is unaware of the various aspects of it. Handwriting learning is one of the most important aspects of language development and apart from this, a child also needs to learn various other lessons like leaning to speak and pronounce well, recognize shapes, know the names of different things they see around them, drawing and other things.

Therefore, your child needs a complete learning solution which will take care of all their learning needs. A complete package of unique handwriting worksheets with several learning aids will serve the purpose.

Recognizing shapes and objects

In order to make a child learn the different objects around him, it becomes very necessary to make him learn to identify them. For example, by looking at a ball a child must be able to tell that it is a circle or recognize a rose as a flower or an apple as a fruit.

Recognizing Shapes

Such learning will help him as he grows up and he will be able to able to identify the objects around him. Once he learns to identify them you can also make him learn to spell them or teach them which alphabet stands for it.

Then you can make them practice writing the alphabets. This step wise learning will help them recognize the alphabets as well along with the objects of various shapes. And learning how to write neatly will become very easy for your child!

Learning to count

Numbers or countable quantities are a very important aspect for a child to learn. Right from the time a child begins his learning he or she must be taught to count and understand quantity as well.Numbers counting for kids

With square grid based worksheets a child can easily learn to form the numbers and write them in the grids. You can also think of making their learning more interesting by making them count.

Take a variety of objects and place two of the similar objects in front of them. Make them count and then write the number they found in the grids. In this manner you can make your child learn in a very fun manner.

A smart mobile app to teach handwriting

Startwrite mobile app.jpgWith a smart android mobile app to teach handwriting, it becomes very easy to not just get ready-made writing worksheets but also to make your child practice writing the alphabets by touching the smart-screens of android devices as well.

As parents, you can be thinking if writing on a smart screen will be of help at all? Well, the answer this is yes! Of course it will help your child because with bare fingers he or she can learn how to balance their finger and form the letter in the specific boundary of the letter outline.

This will also function as a pre-writing activity that will help a child to improve his or her handwriting skills too as it will help in formation of proper grip and hold. In teaching cursive writing or even in the print fonts for kids this is of great help as it will help make them write properly and neatly.

Making your child’s handwriting lessons really very comfortable and enjoyable will help them to learn and acquire all the necessary skills well. Therefore, get a complete learning solution for your child that will help him grow and develop in a holistic manner and that too with great fun and excitement!

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